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Master The Skills Of Wabi Sabi Life And Be Successful.

Updated: Jun 28, 2023

Love yourself like someone you love!
Embrace the incomplete, imperfect and impermanent

Wabi Sabi Life is all about embracing the imperfect, incomplete and impermanent in our lives.

Have you ever felt the need to improve yourself and change the things that are wrong with you?

Don’t bother.

Embrace the imperfect, incomplete and impermanent in your life. Accept yourself for who you are to the best of your abilities, wabi-sabi and all.

All of us are imperfect, incomplete, and impermanent. We are all going through different stages in life, and our bodies change in different ways. We may also feel frustration because of our imperfections and incompleteness. Instead of worrying about ageing or the future, let’s learn to embrace these things in our personal lives and let them guide us on the path toward living an authentic life.

Let go of what you can’t change and accept that you are simply here to learn, grow and love every moment. Our imperfections make us more beautiful, unique and full of life.

The easiest way to love yourself and alienate this disease of overthinking is to train yourself to believe, to let go of what we can’t change and accept that acting due to overthinking is certainly not the solution.

What doesn’t kill you, makes you stronger. Wabi-Sabi is the philosophy of letting go of what we can’t change. We become strong by accepting the imperfect, incomplete, and impermanent version of ourselves and embracing the nature that resides within us all every day.

How to embrace the imperfect, incomplete and impermanent so that we can live more authentically. Let's remember the three "I"s (Imperfect, Incomplete and Impermanent).

Wabi-Sabi means imperfection. It is a philosophy that embraces the imperfect and incomplete as we strive to create balance by embracing what can’t be changed, such as ageing, illness and death.

Wabi Sabi Life focuses on embracing the imperfect, incomplete and impermanent in our lives. The second step to living this way is to embrace your edges and imperfections.

Wabi-sabi is a Japanese aesthetic which contends that beauty exists not in absolute perfection but rather in the ‘imperfect’, ‘incomplete’ and ‘impermanent.’

Most of our society is built on an illusion. We live in a world of convenience and entertainment that distracts us from reality. The sense of control is an illusion. We feel like we can do anything we want when in reality we are slaves to our own minds and emotions. We are never truly free.

Wabi Sabi Life helps us embrace the Wabi-Sabi version of ourselves, and understand how to act due to our thinking.

Wabi-sabi is a Japanese aesthetic that embraces the imperfect, incomplete and impermanent in our lives.

Accepting imperfections, in and of themselves, is a way to embrace ourselves. Wabi Sabi Life is all about embracing our imperfections and believing in ourselves enough to challenge our thoughts by simply letting go of what we can’t change

You've been living in your head, overthinking and beating yourself up. You have a disease that was never meant to live in your body. Let go of this medication and embrace the beauty of imperfection!

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Shilpi Gupta Shah
Shilpi Gupta Shah
Feb 01

So thoughtful embark on the journey of self-discovery, mental health, and finding beauty in imperfections to live a more fulfilling life.

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