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From Procrastination Pro to Action Hero: How to Finally Get Things Done

Updated: Aug 21

Why is it so hard to get started?  Many of us have experienced the overwhelming nature of staring at that to-do list, with a Mount Everest of tasks looming over us, feeling that familiar sinking sensation. Maybe it's that report you need to finish, the musical instrument you bought but haven't touched in months, or the online course you've been meaning to start "someday." But "someday" never comes, does it?

Take Charge: Simple Steps from Procrastination to Action

Consider the story of J.K. Rowling. Before she became a household name with the Harry Potter series, Rowling was a single mother struggling to make ends meet. She had an idea for a book, but the path to success seemed insurmountable. Her to-do list wasn't just about writing; it included finding time between taking care of her child, dealing with financial struggles, and battling depression.

The truth is, taking action is the ultimate antidote to procrastination. It's like that first domino in a chain reaction – once you get started, the momentum builds and things start to fall into place. But how do you even begin when that mountain of tasks seems insurmountable?

If you’re struggling to figure out what it is you want, These Questions Can Be Your Compass:

The First Step: Find Your "What"

To overcome the inertia, the first step is clarity. You need to know what you want. Rowling knew she wanted to write a book. Her "what" was clear, even if the "how" was not.

Ask yourself: What do you really want to achieve? 

The Second Step: Decide That You Will Do It

This involves commitment and planning. Rowling didn't just tell herself she would write a book; she started writing in cafes while her baby slept. She made a commitment despite the challenges she faced.

Consider the daily actions your goal requires:

What steps do you need to take each day or week?

How will you track your progress?

What sacrifices are necessary?

The Third Step: Just Do It

The hardest part is often starting. But as Martin Luther King Jr said, "You don't have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step." Rowling’s first step was putting pen to paper, writing the first chapter of what would become "Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone." It wasn't much, but it was the beginning. Every day, she wrote a little more, gradually building her story.

If you're facing a mountain of tasks, start small. Break down your goal into manageable chunks.

Remember, the path to your goal won't be a straight line. There will be setbacks and detours. As Mark Twain said, 'Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from safe harbor, catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore, Dream, Discover.

Your vision – "the what" – is your guiding star. Stay committed to it, even if the "how" is not immediately clear. Faith in your purpose and persistent actions will pave the way. Determine what you want, decide you will achieve it, and then take that first step.

J.K. Rowling eventually published her book and became one of the most successful authors in history, not because she had all the answers at the start, but because she took that first step and kept going. You can achieve your goals too. It all starts with a clear vision and the courage to take action.

So, what are you waiting for? Determine your "what," decide to pursue it, and just do it. Your dreams are within reach – take that first step today.

Tap on the link to explore some"Daily Doses of Self-Love Shots." - Check here
Love & Blessings,

What’s your biggest obstacle when it comes to getting things done?

  • Lack of motivation or energy.

  • Distractions and lack of focus.

  • Overwhelm from too many tasks.

  • Perfectionism and fear of failure.

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