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Embrace Empower Excel - A Woman's Guide to Balancing It All

Updated: Mar 15

On International Women's Day, inspired by the Japanese concept of wabi-sabi, I believe it's imperative to shift our narrative. Instead of solely focusing on appreciating women in their endeavours, I advocate amplifying our diverse voices in shaping the future. Just as wabi-sabi teaches us to appreciate imperfection and impermanence, let's celebrate women's unique perspectives and contributions. Together, we can create a more inclusive and resilient world.

In a society that often portrays the concept of "having it all" as an elusive goal, redefining success on our terms and embracing strategies that allow us to lead fulfilling lives is essential.

With this powerful sentiment in mind, let's embark on a journey to discover practical and empowering tips for women balancing multiple life facets while pursuing their dreams.

Create Boundaries: "Boundaries are a part of self-care. They are healthy, normal, and necessary." - Doreen Virtue. Establish clear boundaries between work, personal life, and social commitments. Learn to say no to activities or obligations that drain your energy or detract from your priorities.

Practice Mindfulness: "Mindfulness is a way of befriending ourselves and our experience." - Jon Kabat-Zinn. Incorporate mindfulness practices into your daily routine to cultivate a sense of presence and calm amidst life's chaos. Whether it's through meditation, deep breathing exercises, or mindful eating, take moments throughout the day to centre yourself and reconnect with the present moment.

Delegate and Outsource:  "Do what you do best and outsource the rest." - Peter Drucker. Don't be afraid to delegate tasks or outsource responsibilities that you can't or don't want to handle on your own. Whether it's hiring a cleaning service, outsourcing household chores, or delegating tasks at work, relinquishing control can free up time and mental bandwidth for more meaningful pursuits.

Network and Collaborate: "Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much." - Helen Keller. Build a supportive network of like-minded women who can offer guidance, support, and inspiration along your journey. Collaborate on projects, share resources, and celebrate each other's successes.

Embrace Flexibility: "Bend, but never break." - Cultivate a flexible mindset that allows you to adapt to life's ever-changing circumstances. Recognize that plans may need to be adjusted, priorities may shift, and unexpected challenges may arise.

Schedule "White Space" Time: Carve out dedicated "white space" in your schedule—unstructured time free from obligations or commitments. Use this time to explore new interests, recharge your creativity, or simply relax and unwind.

Host a "Passion Party": Organize a gathering with friends or fellow enthusiasts where everyone shares their passions, goals, and dreams.

Create a "Passion Playlist": Curate a playlist of songs that energize and inspire you. Play it whenever you need a boost of motivation or confidence to tackle your goals.

Celebrate Small Wins: "Celebrate every tiny victory." - Ree Drummond. Take time to acknowledge and celebrate your accomplishments, no matter how small. Celebrating your achievements can boost your confidence and motivation to keep moving forward.

Practice Gratitude: "Gratitude turns what we have into enough." - Cultivate an attitude of gratitude for the blessings in your life, both big and small.

Create a "Permission Slip" Ritual: Write yourself a permission slip granting yourself the freedom to pursue your passions without guilt or hesitation. Place it somewhere visible as a daily reminder of your right to prioritize your happiness and fulfillment.

Cultivate a "Failure Journal": Instead of fearing failure, embrace it as a natural part of the learning process. Keep a journal where you document your failures, along with the valuable lessons you've learned from each experience.

Remember, you have the power to define success on your own terms and create a life that reflects your values, passions, and aspirations. Embrace the journey, cherish the moments, and never underestimate the power of your potential.

Today and every day, let's ensure to honour the diverse experiences and strengths of women everywhere.
A working woman, labelled selfish, battles guilt each day. Yet her dedication and resilience in balancing work and home responsibilities define her courage.
A stay-at-home woman, having sacrificed her education, may feel unworthy and dependent. But her selflessness and unwavering support lay the foundation of her family's love and strength.
A submissive woman, deemed dependent, quietly nurtures those around her. Yet her gentleness and compassion empower others to thrive.
A brave woman, with her independent thoughts, challenges norms and inspires change. Her courage and determination pave the way for progress and equality.
A beautiful woman, managing expenses, embodies grace and strength in the face of challenges. Her resilience and adaptability shine through every obstacle.
A great woman, tough and firm, commands respect with her wisdom and leadership. Her integrity and dedication inspire those around her to reach greater heights.
Every woman is unique, imperfect, and extraordinary in her way. Let us continue to support, empower, and honor the remarkable strength and resilience of women worldwide.

Here's to women who dare to dream, aspire to achieve, and inspire us all.

Happy Women's Day!🌸

Kindness Always,


How do you prefer to celebrate your accomplishments?

  • Treat myself to a nice meal or dessert.

  • Have a small gathering with friends or family.

  • Reward myself with a fun activity or outing.

  • Reflect quietly and enjoy the moment alone.

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